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Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
The following options for reporting fraud, waste or abuse are:
Option 1:I know which Agency - Agency-Specific Complaint
Select an agency from the list on the contact page to file a complaint directly with that agency.
Option 2: I don't know which Agency:
Report Waste, Fraud and Abuse in State Government

The Chief Inspector General will receive a copy of your complaint through this option.
Option 3: I think I am a Whistle-Blower:
Whistle-Blower Complaint Form

Use this form if you believe you qualify for Whistle-blower status under Section 112.3187 of Florida Statutes. Your complaint will be reviewed and assessed upon receipt and someone in either the Agency Inspector General's Office or the Chief Inspector General's Office will advise you in writing of whether your complaint meets statutory requirements to be designated as a whistle-blower complaint. A determination will also be made whether the complaint warrants investigation by the Inspector General, or whether a referral to another entity (such as management) is more appropriate.
Click here to view the Whistle-blower Brochure.
This site is maintained by the Florida Inspectors General.
Connect with a state agency or the Chief Inspector General on our Contact Page

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